
wktplotpoly (1)

Article Outline

Example Python program wktplotpoly (1).py


  • import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  • import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
  • import matplotlib.path as mpath
  • from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection
  • import csv
  • import numpy as np
  • import re
  • import matplotlib.cm as cm
  • import numpy.random as npr


  • def getPolygons(fn, key):
  • def main():


Python example


Uses matplotlib to plot WKT polygons in CSV format.

1. install GDAL
2. download a shapefile
3. use ogr2ogr to convert it to CSV with WKT
   ogr2ogr -f CSV output.csv input.shp -lco GEOMETRY=AS_WKT
4. run getPolygons against the output csv


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
import matplotlib.path as mpath

from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection

import csv
import numpy as np
import re 

def getPolygons(fn, key):
    polys = []
    with open(fn) as f:
        reader = csv.DictReader(f)
        polys = []
        areas = {}
        for row in reader:
            print row.keys()
            arean = int(row[key]) #
            wkt = row['WKT']
            # ignore interior rings
            if wkt.startswith("POLYGON"):
                wktm = re.match("POLYGON \(\(((?:[0-9.,]|\s)+)\)", wkt)
                if wktm:
                    wktt = wktm.group(1)
                    wktt = [x.split() for x in wktt.split(",")]
                    points = np.array([map(float, x) for x in wktt])
                    points = points.astype(int) # ints seem okay so far
                    areas[arean]  = mpatches.Polygon(points)
            elif wkt.startswith("MULTIPOLYGON"):
                # OHARE dammit
                subparts = re.findall("\(\(((?:[0-9.,]|\s)+)\)", wkt)
                points, codes = [], []
                for sub in subparts:
                    wktt = [x.split() for x in sub.split(",")]
                    # first elt of each polygon's code is a MOVETO, rest are LINETO
                    cs = [mpath.Path.LINETO] * len(wktt)
                    cs[0] = mpath.Path.MOVETO
                    codes += cs
                    points += [map(float, x) for x in wktt]
                ppts = np.array(points).astype(int)

                p = mpath.Path(ppts, np.array(codes))
                areas[arean] = mpatches.PathPatch(p)

    polys = areas.items()

    return PatchCollection([p for n,p in polys])

def main():
    import matplotlib.cm as cm
    import numpy.random as npr

    # this setup code is probably necessary for reasonable use
    fig = plt.figure(facecolor="white")
    ax= plt.axes()

    # pick random values for each CA
    values = npr.rand(700)

    coll = getPolygons("output3.csv", key='TRACTCE10')

    # color the polys using the random values
    coll.set_alpha(0.6) # for pretty


if __name__ == '__main__':